The Examples Platform — React Native — How to start the react-native packager with no cache

Eugenio Galioto
1 min readJan 3, 2020

Caching in the react native packager can lead to annoying issues.

It is started automatically as you type “react-native run-<platform>”. To avoid starting it with cache, you can open two terminals.

In your package.json you have:

"start": "node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start",

In the first terminal you enter:

npm start -- --resetCache

Once the packages is ready, in the second terminal, you enter:

react-native run-ios (or a different platform)

That’s it.




Eugenio Galioto

Builder 🚀 On Deck Fellow 🌎 AR & Generative AI Enthusiast 🧠