The Examples Platform — NodeJS & NVM — How to change node version

Eugenio Galioto
1 min readJan 7, 2020

Sometimes you can’t run a project just because your NodeJS version does not match the implicit version required by the project.

To solve you can install NVM. The following is for Linux/Mac OS X. There may be differences in Windows.

After you have it working you can use it by using the following commands:

# To see all the available versions
nvm ls-remote
# To see your locally installed versions
nvm ls
# To install a specific version in your computer
nvm install 12
nvm install 12.1
nvm install 12.1.1
^-^-^--------> If you don't specify the version, the latest will be considered
# To switch to a specific version from your local ones
nvm use 12.1.1

Sometimes, switching from one Node version to another can create some conflicts. In this case, restart your computer.

That’s it.




Eugenio Galioto

Builder 🚀 On Deck Fellow 🌎 AR & Generative AI Enthusiast 🧠